The emergence of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in the State of Maryland has understandably led to questions about how all businesses should prepare and respond. Supreme Orthopedic Systems would like you to know that we are monitoring the situation regularly and will follow official guidance from the CDC and other government agencies during this unprecedented situation. We also want to assure you that the safety of all our stakeholders – employees, customers, vendors, etc. – is our main priority.
As of May 19, 2021, Supreme will follow the State of Maryland and CDC guidance by ending the mask mandate in our Columbia office. However, if you have not been fully vaccinated (defined as two weeks after receiving the second dose of a two-dose vaccine), we strongly suggest that you continue to wear a mask indoors as suggested by the CDC to protect yourself and those around you.
Supreme will still be mandating masks for all employees and guests during Medical Education labs. This will continue to be protocol until further notice.
The office is still professionally cleaned twice a week with additional COVID-19 guidelines, and we will increase cleanings if needed. If you develop COVID-19 symptoms or know you have been exposed directly to COVID-19, reach out to your manager or human resources immediately. As always, please do not come to work if you show any symptoms of the virus.
We recognize that there is “pandemic fatigue” taking place but it is critical that we continue to follow CDC guidelines in both the workplace and at home in our personal lives for the protection of those around us. We are hopeful that as vaccinations increase over the next couple of months, there will continue to be a decline in positive cases. Until then, please follow all safety protocol.
Updated May 26, 2021